Thursday, July 17, 2008


Things have been pretty quiet around the home front since this past weekends events. I have just been reflecting on home I let my crazy life get like this. I really can say I just have to blame it on myself for coming back in the first place. Once I left my husband after the cheating episode I had my own place and new friends and I choose to come back on the lies he told me. That things are going to change blah blah blah. Well guess what they didnt. So now I am stuck with no place to run to and no money. Since I came back of course he lost his job because he was having a affair with the bosses daughter. So he took a job backing a whole lot less money. If I leave I will get no where near the support I did before so I dont know if I can make it on my own. My credit cards are racked up. Using them to pay bills while he was out with the accident and no job.
But again I blame myself, he would have kept his job if I didnt choose to come back.
I just have to figure a way out of this mess. He still wants us to work he says but he has proven over this past year that he isnt changing. And the trust will never be there again.
Enough of the self pitty this week and unhappiness. I do have a wonderful daughter who is my whole world and I will show her better and how a relationship should be once I can pull my shit together. To hell with the cheating men in this world life is to short!!!!! Woman stay strong always remember "karma is a bitch" and they will get theres. ha ha

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