Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It will never end.

Well this weekend went pretty much as expected. I went and got things done with my daughter to get ready for school and the man choose to get intoxicated to the point where I was disgusted.
He of course found excuses to get that way and this weekend it just so happened to be me. It was (he claims) that I don't love him and I hate him and my family doesn't except him. The story behind my family is my grandmother is up from Florida and doesn't take kindly to him because of the cheating etc. So I was asked to come without him so she wont tell him off. I only see her once every 10 years and she hasn't seen my daughter since she was 5. So I felt I should stop by. I didn't stay but a hour but boy did he use that to his advantage and said he would never go anywhere I wasn't invited. Like I said its a excuse because he rarely goes with me to my family functions. The rest of my family is fine with him and invites him all the time. The all like him and said its my choice to be with him and he is a great guy except for this drinking problem. They all spoke to him while we were separated and even went to the hospital after the accident. So he is being stupid. Its exhausting every weekend. I just want to do things sometimes that does not involve drinking and some normalcy.
Well tomorrow is the first day of school and my daughter is excited and I am happy that she is. She did wonderfully last year and I am praying she does the same this year. My little girl is growing up. My how time flies. She is the best thing in my life right now.

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