I have come to the conclusion I have to get my ass in gear. I have been in this F it state of mind for to long. Its pretty obvious that I can only depend on myself and that now someone (my daughter) is depending on me solely. So I am all the two of us have. (Not to much fucking pressure there huh?) With that being said I have to pack and find a way to move our stuff to this new apartment all within a matter of 9 days. Plus I have to call the landlord and see if it is at all possible for me to get in there early so I can paint the place and clean it up to make it presentable for us. The painting and cleaning I am thinking will take 2 days. After seeing if this guy will let me in early I will have to take two days off work to make this possible. I am really praying that my 21 year old cousin can come thru for me and help me move along with a couple of his buddies. I will have to pay them with pizza and beer. But I will be grateful if he comes thru for me. I will see this weekend when I talk to him. So for the next few evenings after work I will be busting ass packing up what I dont need to use along with tons of laundry since I wont have a washer or dryer anymore. Busy person I will be.
On a bright note. My daughter is doing wonderful in school. I received a email from her Science teacher and she has the highest grade in the class. The average is 81% and she has a 99%. She amazed me everyday that she is doing so well when her world has been a mess for the past few months. That is another reason to push me to do what I have to so she can stay in the school district. She is the bright spot in my life. Thank god for her.
I have been feeling depressed and down but its time to turn it all around with a little hard work!!!
It's been a while...
8 years ago
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