Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Money worries

Today I am sitting at work wondering how in the hell am I going to get everything paid this week. Damn life is hard sometimes. Since the man lost his job due to the affair and bike accident we are not bringing in enough money to cover all of our expenses. So you have to play the game of "ok who this week am I going to pay". Yes the banks are calling however no one is there to answer the phone. Ha ha ha. Caller ID is wonderful.
It will be ok though what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
On a good note the man and I are talking. We tend to do that after about a week because both of us cant stand to go that long without sex. And believe me after a week it's pretty good. We always did have that in common that's why I can't understand the affair. Unless it's just that he wanted to see if it could be any better with her. Guess it wasn't if he came back to me.
Yesterday was a day off for me so I got allot accomplished and spent some quality time with my daughter. Damn how I will miss that kid when she goes to Florida with her grandmother for a week. However that will be party time for Mom. She has never been gone from me for more that 3 nights. That was only because I had to visit my grandfather that was dying. So I will be a lost puppy when she is gone.
Oh how life is hard and strange at times.

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